How the 737 was created

Hello I hope you’re doing great! Today I will give a brief history on the 737 from the 100 to the NG In 1966 boeing were looking for a short range small aircraft so airframes and engines were looked into. By 1967 the 737-100 was built and had its first flight then the 737-200 hadContinue reading “How the 737 was created”

Cathay Pacific and COVID-19

Hello everybody I hope you’re doing great! Today I’ll be talking about the COVID-19. The COVID-19 a global pandemic and effects many industries including aviation. The COVID-19 has lead to airlines transporting stranded passengers and loosing a lot of income. Unfortunately FlyBe was the first airline to be affected and went bankrupt. Cathay Pacific haveContinue reading “Cathay Pacific and COVID-19”

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