How the 737 was created

Hello I hope you’re doing great! Today I will give a brief history on the 737 from the 100 to the NG In 1966 boeing were looking for a short range small aircraft so airframes and engines were looked into. By 1967 the 737-100 was built and had its first flight then the 737-200 hadContinue reading “How the 737 was created”

Young Officer Next Video

Hello everybody I hope you’re doing great! Today I’ll be talking about the next Young Officer YT video. The next Young Officer video will be apart of a new series called; Supersonic, The series will be about Supersonic Air Travel. The videos will include: Boeing 2707 – Too driven, Facts about Concorde Part 1, FactsContinue reading “Young Officer Next Video”

Cathay Pacific and COVID-19

Hello everybody I hope you’re doing great! Today I’ll be talking about the COVID-19. The COVID-19 a global pandemic and effects many industries including aviation. The COVID-19 has lead to airlines transporting stranded passengers and loosing a lot of income. Unfortunately FlyBe was the first airline to be affected and went bankrupt. Cathay Pacific haveContinue reading “Cathay Pacific and COVID-19”

Young Officer YT Live Stream

Hello hope you’re doing great! Today I’m giving you an update on the for the first Young Officer Live Stream. These are tough times and this live stream will be all about the COVID-19 and the impact on aviation. The date will be given for the live stream soon and I will answer any ofContinue reading “Young Officer YT Live Stream”

Most dangerous airports in the world

Hello hope you’re doing great! Today were talking about some of the most dangerous airports in the world. 1 Skiathos Airport Skiathos airport was built in between two islands, because of the small amount of space the runway was built onto the road. People get to experience the power from at jet engine right inContinue reading “Most dangerous airports in the world”

Supersonic Airliners are coming back

Hello hope you’re doing great! Today were talking about how supersonic airliners are coming back. If you read the last post you would know that the concorde was grounded in 2003. But in 2026 a new plane is expected to be released, the Boom Overtune. This plane will be powered by turbofan and will reachContinue reading “Supersonic Airliners are coming back”

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